Project We: Smile (a poem by Sam) - JennCaffeinated
This week’s “Project We” theme is “smile”. My initial post has been rescheduled for a later date, the reasons for which will become obvious then (oooh, the suspense is killing you, I know). I’m working on something else in the meantime (which will be more lighthearted). Sam thought long and hard about the theme, and asked if he could write a poem instead of drawing a picture. This is his “Smiles Poem”: Not bad for a first grader, all on his own!!! (Oh, yes, the spelling….the emphasis right now is to get them to write much and often. The spelling WILL come along, and they do work on spelling. He’s 6. I think it’s lovely, biased and all that I am….) More to come with Project We…..for more fun posts on, check out the blogroll to the right for more participating blogs!